Science or God in flaming text - animation
portrait of Benny Lautrup
Two little dogs kissing - animation

Benny Lautrup

The Complexity of Nature - the Simplicity of Science
Is Science Controlled by Cleopatra's Nose?
Is living matter merely dead substance, which has been screwed together properly? There are approximately one million billion nerve fibers in the human brain. Is our intelligence merely a result of the great quantity of cerebral cells with the right connections; or does it require a breath of spirit which cannot be analyzed by means of scientific research? Is an intense kiss merely a result of electromagnetic interactions? Or are physics' primitive descriptions an insult to true nature's wealth? Through modern instruments, our understanding of the brain's function is dawning, and by means of neural networks we can now simulate something which has certain similarities to the brain's mode of functioning.

(From the book: "Science or God?" ("Videnskaben eller Gud?") edited by Bent Raymond Joergensen and Uffe Graae Joergensen)

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